Rooting is a newborn reflex that helps to ensure successful breastfeeding. Your baby is rooting for you!

Let’s talk about how I can best support you.

ATTENTION! RFY has recently partnered with The Lactation Network (TLN) to provide up to 6 insurance-covered home or virtual visits! Register below to see if your insurance carrier participates with TLN ◇

ATTENTION! RFY has recently partnered with The Lactation Network (TLN) to provide up to 6 insurance-covered home or virtual visits! Register below to see if your insurance carrier participates with TLN ◇

My goal is to provide compassionate, evidence-based, and personalized lactation support to help you and your baby focus on cherishing the bond. 

Expert care in the comfort of your own home

Felicia James, MSN, RN, CPNP-PC, IBCLC

I am a mother of two, pediatric nurse practitioner, and certified lactation consultant. My passion is breastfeeding education and child/maternal health advocacy.


Now Offering Virtual Sessions and Home Visits (Select Areas)

Common Concerns Include:

Trouble Latching

Nipple Damage or Mastitis

Supplementing Support

Exclusive Pumping

Undersupply and Oversupply Management

Introducing Solids

Returning to Work


Feeding Multiples

C-Section or Strenuous Labor


You’re not in this alone.

While breastfeeding is natural, it is a skill you and your baby must learn to do together and sometimes it may not be easy. Babies don’t come with a manual, but help is here.